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Racial and Social Injustice

PATH acknowledges the Black Lives Matter movement and the commitment to end racial and social injustice. We are collaborating with our national organizations to educate individuals on this very important topic that Black families face especially those with special healthcare needs.

Please click the links below to see how we are working with other national organizations.

Family Voices
Parent to Parent USA

Episode 1: This video is the first in a series of videos created to open dialogue and discussion about the injustices experienced by the Black community and the intersectionality with those who have special healthcare needs and disabilities.

In episode one, we delve into a brief history of racial and social injustice in the United States and discuss the importance of why Black lives matter.

Episode 2: In this video you will hear from 5 youth and young adults with and without disabilities on their perspective on Racial and Social Injustice.

Episode 3: Mama’s Circle, Part 1

PATH explores the challenges mothers face raising black children.