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Skip to main contentPATH is the CT State Affiliate Organization to National Family Voices. Nanfi Lubogo, the Co-Executive Director of PATH, is the Board Vice President of National Family Voices.
Our Mission
Family Voices aims to achieve family-centered care for all children and youth with special health care needs and/or disabilities.
Through our national network, we provide families tools to make informed decisions, advocate for improved public and private policies, build partnerships among professionals and families, and serve as a trusted resource on health care.
Our Vision
Every child and youth with special needs receives family-centered care.
Our Children and Youth
It is estimated that 10.2 million children in the United States have special health care needs. Like other children and youth, those with special health care needs deserve a happy, healthy childhood and youth – attending school, enjoying community events, living with their families, and worshiping with friends and neighbors – as well as the opportunity to become productive adults.
However, unlike other children and youth, ours also have challenging health conditions – physical, mental, or emotional – that can make their lives and their families’ lives more complicated. Any child or youth at any time could develop a disability or chronic health condition.
Our Organization
Our Principles
Our Strategic Directions
Direction #1: Infrastructure – Family Voices will have a dynamic and effective structure based on a strong network of family-led organizations.
Direction #2: Policy – Family Voices’ advocacy positions will be disseminated widely, and all state organizations will meet a minimum level of competency in advocacy/policy.
Direction #3: Diversity – Family Voices’ leadership will both reflect and serve – to a high level of satisfaction – our diverse constituency.
Direction #4: Funding – Family Voices will be financially healthy and stable.
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