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CT Family To Family Health Information Center

What Are Family-to-Family Health Information Centers?

Family-to-Family Health Information Centers are family-staffed organizations that assist families of children and youth with special health care needs and the professionals who serve them. All Family-to-Family Health Information Centers have a strong commitment to, and expertise about, children with special health care needs. PATH is staffed by family members who have first-hand experience and training in navigating complex healthcare services and programs. Our team understands the issues that families face and are well qualified to help families make informed decisions.

What Does PATH’s Family-to-Family Health Information Center Do?

Our program reflects the needs of the community and the state we serve. We collaborate with other Family-to-Family Health Information Centers, family groups, and professionals to improve services for children and youth with special healthcare needs.

We provide:

  • Assistance to families and professionals in navigating health care systems
  • Education, training, support, and referral services
  • Guidance in understanding special education evaluations and Individual Education Programs (IEPs) for children
  • Advice on health care programs and policy
  • Outreach to underserved/underrepresented populations
  • Evaluation and outcome assessment

How Have Health Information Centers Made a Difference?

To date, Family-to-Family Health Information Centers served more than one million families and 350,000 professionals. PATH has served more than 90,000 families and professionals and that number continues to grow.

How Is the PATH Family-to-Family Health Information Center Funded?

Federal funds are awarded by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), Maternal Child Health Bureau (MCHB) through a competitive grant process.


To connect with a Health Information Specialist, contact us by email to or by phone at 1-800-399-PATH (7284).